Our Relationship with Technology- FINAL POST

Technology is an extremely complex and powerful tool that society has been gifted.  Technology is a combination of systems, processes, techniques, and more.  It is made up of scientific algorithms and coding which then create powerful devices, techniques, and systems.  For years, technology has continued to develop and update.  The mechanical age is when technology was truly first developed.  The mechanical age was between 1450-1840.  During this time, many technological devices and systems were created and used.  The study and development of different technologies have led to the invention of the printing press, phones, computers, the Internet, and more as forms of communication.  Technology has allowed for a simpler and more accurate way to communicate.  During many wars, radios were used to speak and transmit information from the air and sea to the ground.  Radios were also used for entertainment purposes; especially during the Great Depression when entertainment was expensive; radio was free.  Soon enough, the development of cellphones came about and allowed for wireless communication from far distances.  Technology has also helped the economy grow and grant a greater number of job opportunities; along with allowing educators to use the Internet and social media in an educational setting.  Many classes in today's society do not even require textbooks; instead, the Internet is the primary source of information and lessons.  Mass media has quickly become a terrific source for information and has led to more and more educators to use this platform as a way to teach their students.  The Internet is simple and can provide any information with the click of a button.  It is extremely convenient and a wonderful way for people to learn, share and discover. 

However, the Internet comes with many negative side-effects.  Cyberbullying is a major issue in today's society and the youth suicide rate had never been higher before social media became so popular.  Roughly 5 billion people use social media today.  That is almost the entire Earth's population!  With this many people using social media, the chances of negativity and harshness spreading on the Internet is extremely high.  Social media causes a lot of competitiveness because of everyone trying to post their "best self" online.  This has the ability to lead to major depression and anxiety in people and makes people feel extremely insecure.  What is so dangerous about social media is how not everything we see is truthful and it can be hard to differentiate the truth from the false.  Every upside has a downside and technology and the use of mass media is a wonderful thing; but of course, it has its downsides.  Every new technology that is developed has good characteristics and also bad characteristics.  For example, cellphones are an amazing thing because it is a way for people to communicate quicker and more effectively. It includes texting, calling, a camera, apps, and more; yet it comes with so many downsides.  Cellphones have the ability to brainwash people and can become a serious addiction because of all of its opportunities and activities that they provide.  People's entire lives can be their cellphones and this trait is truly able to ruin lives.  Society has a strong relationship with technology.  Almost every person in this world has some sort of relationship with technology and it has affected everyone somehow.  Some may question how healthy this relationship actually is.  I believe it is healthy but also unhealthy to some extent.  It depends how deep in this relationship people lead themselves.  I believe a healthy relationship with technology is when a person uses it for educational and communication purposes primarily; and does not overly abuse social media apps like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and more.  An unhealthy relationship with technology I believe would be when someone is on their phone or computer all day long constantly checking social websites, texting too much, and making it a priority to compete with others on social media in order to feel better about themselves; which in reality, actually makes them feel worse about themselves.  I personally believe my relationship with technology is unhealthy. I have grown up in a generation that is utterly obsessed with technology and social media and it is all we know.  I was born in 2000 so right around when cellphones were developed.  I can honestly say that I worry about social media too much.  I am constantly on Instagram and Snapchat, talking to my peers, and posting photos of myself, my family, and my friends.  It is highly addicting and I wish it weren't.  I would love a world without so much social media.  It has caused a lot of insecurity in my life that I wish didn't exist, but it is inevitable.  People who use social media constantly and are always posting and see other people's posts, can very easily become insecure and this is where it gets dangerous.  Technology takes up too much of my life.  I wish I spent more time seeing people in person rather than messaging them.  I wish I spent more time going on walks and being outdoors instead of in my room sitting on my phone scrolling through Instagram, but it really is how I've grown up and what I've been surrounded by. 

I believe technology does make me smarter.  This is the upside, but the downside is that it also can make me a lot dumber.  Technology is a very wide variety of things.  I have learned so many things from the Internet including online sources, e-books, Google, and more.  If it weren't for technology, I wouldn't know more than half of the things I know now.  But, I do think that technology has brainwashed me to some extent.  Technology, in general, is good.  It is the social media that comes along with the technology that can take it too far.  Instagram doesn't make me smarter but, Google does.  There is a lot of unreliable information online and it is so imperative that people watch out for this.  I am always very cautious about what I believe because literally, anyone can post whatever they want online and who even knows if it is truthful?  I worry a lot about these things.  Technology really has taken over the world for the better, but also for the worse.  I believe people need to prioritize the important and useful things that technology has gifted us, rather than the entertainment side of it.  I do believe it is an accepted part of the society we live in, but it still worries me.  I am nervous to see how technology is going to continue to grow and upgrade as the years come and continue to affect future generations.  It can only get crazier and more brainwashing from here. It kind of makes me sad that people are so glued to their phones instead of spending time outside and with their loved ones. 

Overall, technology has been a great impact on the world but of course, it has its downsides like so many other things.  I believe there is a huge difference between technology that is important like x-rays, ultrasounds, CAT scans, military communication, and more, and technology that is entertaining like the development of social media via cellphones and computers.  Technology can mean a wide variety of things.  Some may be extremely useful and a great source for an educational environment, but some may be brainwashing and dangerous.  It is important for us humans in today's society to take care of ourselves and one another in this harsh, competitive online world that we all so voluntarily became a part of and devote our lives to.  Social media has a whole has its ups and downs, but mostly has affected the mindsets of many people.  It has affected those minds in a way where people feel the need to judge themselves and become insecure just because some other girl online was skinnier or some other boy online had bigger muscles or a cooler car.  Sharing so much information and photos online can be dangerous and I think the world would be a better place if everyone just took a breather and slowed down a little.  Devoting our lives to a small little computer that we can hold in our hands, known as cellphones can be destructive towards the mind.  We all must realize the difference between useful and practical technology rather than entertainment and degrading technology.  The world is going to continue to develop these technological devices and online sites and we must all prepare for this.  Take care of yourself, love yourself, and don't compare yourself to others because everyone is in the same boat that we call "social media" and if we let is really, really take over our lives, we are all going to sink together. 

Word Count: 1,458







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About me

Hi, my name is Shea Sweeney and I am a sophomore at High Point University. I am a Strategic Communications major with a minor in Marketing. I am highly interested in Public Relations and social media marketing. I am not quite sure what exactly I want to do after college; however, I will figure it out soon!

On campus, I am involved with my sorority, Kappa Delta where I hold the position as Historian. I am also involved with On Point Magazine and am a website contributor and blogger for the website.

I am from a town outside of Orlando, Florida and have lived there since I was three years old. I am the oldest of 4 kids. I have one younger sister and two younger brothers. We also have 4 dogs so our house is super fun and crazy.

I am really looking forward to taking this class and I have heard amazing things about it from my peers.