Individual Self-Fulfillment- Eight Values of Free Expression- WEEK 11

The Eight Values of Free Expression include Discovery of Truth, Participation in Self-Government, Stable Change, Individual Self-Fulfillment, Check on Government Power, Promote Tolerance, Promote Innovation, and Protect Dissent.  All of these are important because they depict human rights.  The Eight Values of Free Expression allow people to share ideas, communicate with one another, debate, and speak their minds.  The first value, Discovery of Truth, defines the "marketplace of ideas."  This means that when people are speaking truthfully and also untruthfully, the people who are truthful will stand correct.  Next, Participation in Self-Government means that people should be able to communicate with candidates to allow for a true election.  Stable Change states that when people are allowed to speak their minds, even if it is harsh words, it will steer them away from being less physically violent.  Individual Self-Fulfilment exemplifies how people can express their opinions and express their ideas.  Check on Government Power allows citizens to become more intelligent about power itself and not to abuse it.  Promote Tolerance says that being more tolerant, will allow for a better and more mature society.  Promote Innovation says that the more citizens are able to be creative and share their ideas, it will lead to more innovations and will lead to a better society.  Finally, Promote Dissent states that anyone has the right to disagree with the government or whoever they want. 

Personally, I believe that the most important value is Individual Self-Fulfillment because it is so important to allow people to share their opinions and express their ideas.  In so many countries, it is so hard for people to express their feelings and ideas.  This is why in The United States of America, Individual Self-Fulfillment is so crucial because people need to be able to say what they want.  It plays along with Freedom of Speech.  U.S citizens have the right to agree and disagree with whatever they want.  Holding in opinions and holding in ideas can be so unhealthy and degrading towards someone who wants to share what is on their mind.  Self-Fulfillment also plays along with self-care and self-love and gives people the right they deserve.  When people are allowed to express their ideas, this leads to collaboration.  Collaboration and communication then will lead to a greater and better society.  This can improve people as human beings, as partners, as employees, and as team players.  This allows for a more intelligent, respectful, communicative society.  This value is the most meaningful towards me because expressing myself is one of my favorite things to do and one of the many things I am grateful for.  I am a Strategic Communications major who loves to write, blog, communicate with others, and overall express my ideas in order to get feedback and partnerships.  People make livings out of expressing themselves whether it be a politician, blogger, writer, editor, author, educator, artist, dancer, even sports players; all of these people make a living out of expressing who they are as a person and what they believe in. This is why I feel so strongly that the Individual Self-Fulfillment value is the most important and has changed society for the better.  


About me

Hi, my name is Shea Sweeney and I am a sophomore at High Point University. I am a Strategic Communications major with a minor in Marketing. I am highly interested in Public Relations and social media marketing. I am not quite sure what exactly I want to do after college; however, I will figure it out soon!

On campus, I am involved with my sorority, Kappa Delta where I hold the position as Historian. I am also involved with On Point Magazine and am a website contributor and blogger for the website.

I am from a town outside of Orlando, Florida and have lived there since I was three years old. I am the oldest of 4 kids. I have one younger sister and two younger brothers. We also have 4 dogs so our house is super fun and crazy.

I am really looking forward to taking this class and I have heard amazing things about it from my peers.