Electronic Communication - WEEK 12

After reading Diffusion of Innovation by Rogers, I have learned about many new innovations and the order that they came to be.  The innovation that I am choosing to discuss is the development of electronic communication.  Social networks have had an extremely large impact on the diffusion of innovation.  Electronic communication can mean a lot of things.  This broad term includes image processing, radar processing, embedded systems, and wireless communications.  Electronic communication has surely changed the world forever.  The world will never stop using electronic communication.  When people are able to communicate electronically, this means people are able to transfer writing, photos, sounds, videos, phone calls, emails, text messages, signals, and data.  Pretty much everyone and everything uses electronic communication because it has simplified the process of communication.  In 1836, the first electronic communication was used through the telegraph and was invented by Samuel Morse.  Soon enough, electronics grew into a wider field.  The microphone, the telephone, speakers, radios were then invented; followed by televisions, programmable computers, cellphones, and more.  These innovations have changed the world forever and have allowed people to not only communicate in a more effective way but also use it these as platforms to share ideas, advertising, campaign, and more.  Electronic communication has developed into something even greater today.  Today, we have iPhones, MacBooks, androids, etc which are all more efficient ways to communicate wirelessly.  These ways of communication have opened up a whole new world for sharing, posting, talking, and advertising.  Without electronic communication, I am not quite sure where the world would be today. 


About me

Hi, my name is Shea Sweeney and I am a sophomore at High Point University. I am a Strategic Communications major with a minor in Marketing. I am highly interested in Public Relations and social media marketing. I am not quite sure what exactly I want to do after college; however, I will figure it out soon!

On campus, I am involved with my sorority, Kappa Delta where I hold the position as Historian. I am also involved with On Point Magazine and am a website contributor and blogger for the website.

I am from a town outside of Orlando, Florida and have lived there since I was three years old. I am the oldest of 4 kids. I have one younger sister and two younger brothers. We also have 4 dogs so our house is super fun and crazy.

I am really looking forward to taking this class and I have heard amazing things about it from my peers.