My Online Presence - WEEK 13

I have always been very cautious about my online presence.  However, I am extremely outgoing online and enjoy expressing myself and my ideas; in a very appropriate and professional way.  Today in society, social media is taking over pretty much everything.  So many people are posting themselves, their ideas, and their opinions all over the Internet via Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, Tik Tok and many more.  Having such a wide variety of ways to express ideas can be very dangerous.  An online presence can make or break someone.  Whenever someone posts anything online, anyone can screenshot, save, or share that post with whomever they please.  This is why it is so important to make sure how you share yourself on the Internet is how you want to be portrayed by others.  Employers and colleagues have found that searching through people’s social media when they apply for jobs is a very effective way to really get to know someone.  I have always had this in the back of my head because I want people to respect me when they see my posts on the Internet.  So many people get in major trouble with schools, universities, bosses, parents, and even the government because they post inappropriate or harmful things on the Internet.  Many people are in jail for what they post. 

I believe that my online footprint is large.  I use many social media websites such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat.  These platforms allow me to communicate and connect with my peers and also express my feelings, opinions, and ideas with my followers.  I would consider my personal website to be Facebook and Instagram because I post many pictures and it is very easy to get to understand who I am as a person just by looking at these platforms.  On the social media websites that I use, I post pictures of myself, my friend, and my family; along with memories, inspirational quotes, brand promotions, and more.  I use my social media apps as a way to share what inspires me whether it be a quote, a meme, or even an effective KETO powder for a brand.  I have partnered with clothing brands, jewelry companies, and cruelty-free companies to help promote their company and also gain benefits with those companies.  If a visitor visits my social media platforms, they will most likely see that I am an outgoing, travel lover who loves spending time with my friends and family and taking fun pictures!  I am always very appropriate on my social media and make sure that I am respectful towards everyone.  I have not given out any personal information on my social media.  This includes my phone number, my email, and my address. 

I believe social media has a strong ability to make people lonely and depressed.  Social media allows people to put on a “mask” and make their lives seem more interesting, fun, and happy than it really is.  Seeing other people possibly faking having the time of their lives, editing their bodies to look better, and faking a smile can cause a lot of people depression because people tend to compare themselves to others.  I personally know I have felt sad seeing other girls look so great on social media but what some people don’t realize is that when someone posts on social media, it isn’t necessarily truthful, and no one is going to post their worst photos of themselves online.  Social media has caused a lot of depression and anxiety in so many people because of its competitiveness.


About me

Hi, my name is Shea Sweeney and I am a sophomore at High Point University. I am a Strategic Communications major with a minor in Marketing. I am highly interested in Public Relations and social media marketing. I am not quite sure what exactly I want to do after college; however, I will figure it out soon!

On campus, I am involved with my sorority, Kappa Delta where I hold the position as Historian. I am also involved with On Point Magazine and am a website contributor and blogger for the website.

I am from a town outside of Orlando, Florida and have lived there since I was three years old. I am the oldest of 4 kids. I have one younger sister and two younger brothers. We also have 4 dogs so our house is super fun and crazy.

I am really looking forward to taking this class and I have heard amazing things about it from my peers.