The History and Impact of Cable Television - WEEK 7

The invention of cable television has completely changed technology.  In 1948, cable television was discovered by John Walson in order to provide television signals to people without great reception.  Cable television began in a few different states including, Pennsylvania, Oregon, and Arkansas. Cable television introduced distant television signals from far away.  Soon, cable television then grew and was used in other major cities.  Cable television is a system of delivering television programming to consumers through radiofrequency.  This changed television forever.  Cable television was so effective and influential because of its steady service.  Cable television cannot be harmed because it is wireless. The reception of cable television is extremely reliable and provides programming options that are very versatile for its consumers.  Cable television was the start of multiple channels and being able to switch to as many channels as you want while watching television.  Before cable, people could only watch a few channels on the television, but now with cable, it has given society the opportunity to watch as many channels as they please.  Cable television began gaining a great number of subscriptions and in the year 2000, cable television had almost 69,000 subscriptions.  Between the years of 1946 and 1956, the popular channels ABC, CBS, and NBC were founded.  These channels changed history forever and gave consumers beneficial and entertaining content.  Then in 1970, Charles Dolan founded Home Box Office which was the first-ever premium programming service.  Cable vision was then sold to Patrick Drahi in 2016 for $17.7 billion.  


About me

Hi, my name is Shea Sweeney and I am a sophomore at High Point University. I am a Strategic Communications major with a minor in Marketing. I am highly interested in Public Relations and social media marketing. I am not quite sure what exactly I want to do after college; however, I will figure it out soon!

On campus, I am involved with my sorority, Kappa Delta where I hold the position as Historian. I am also involved with On Point Magazine and am a website contributor and blogger for the website.

I am from a town outside of Orlando, Florida and have lived there since I was three years old. I am the oldest of 4 kids. I have one younger sister and two younger brothers. We also have 4 dogs so our house is super fun and crazy.

I am really looking forward to taking this class and I have heard amazing things about it from my peers.