Does Privacy Still Exist? - WEEK 14

Privacy is a very uncommon thing nowadays.  With social media being so popular and used by so many people, it can be so difficult to keep stuff private.  After watching the TED Talk videos, I have learned even more about privacy and how people’s privacy can be immensely violated.  Technology is an amazing, beneficial thing; yet it can be so harsh and violating if used in the wrong way.  Having your privacy violated can be extremely disturbing, saddening, embarrassing, and terrifying.  The most intriguing video that I watched was the fourth video where a woman explained how her manipulative ex-boyfriend secretly took naked pictures of her and exposed them to the Internet while they were on vacation without her consent.  It was so saddening to see the suffer in the woman’s eyes and the sadness in her voice.  It was lucid that she was very affected by this situation.  It took the woman so much effort to get the post deleted.  She spent thousands of dollars asking third party companies to delete the posts of her.  Her ex-boyfriend was charged, and she got her pictures deleted.  She dealt with so much stress, embarrassment, and betrayal because of the Internet.  

Each person has a great amount of information online.  Each time someone sends an email, it is saved.  It tells where we have been, who we have met, and what are thoughts are.  Data lasts forever so our information will be online even when we are gone.  We have lost complete control over our data.  Privacy has vanished.  People are not used to privacy and this is our new norm.  So many new generations do not remember a life without social media and data.  It is how societies work now.  Privacy will begin to disappear more and more as years go on and people will begin to be more exposed to social media.  More and more people will experience what that woman experienced and have to deal with pictures of them on the Internet without their consent. 


About me

Hi, my name is Shea Sweeney and I am a sophomore at High Point University. I am a Strategic Communications major with a minor in Marketing. I am highly interested in Public Relations and social media marketing. I am not quite sure what exactly I want to do after college; however, I will figure it out soon!

On campus, I am involved with my sorority, Kappa Delta where I hold the position as Historian. I am also involved with On Point Magazine and am a website contributor and blogger for the website.

I am from a town outside of Orlando, Florida and have lived there since I was three years old. I am the oldest of 4 kids. I have one younger sister and two younger brothers. We also have 4 dogs so our house is super fun and crazy.

I am really looking forward to taking this class and I have heard amazing things about it from my peers.